An independent charity to deliver Go Underhill

Mumbles Community Association (MCA) was set up as a Registered Charity in 2015, with the specific purpose of developing the facilities in Underhill Park, protecting and securing this fantastic asset for the local community.
Our Trustees are a group of like-minded volunteers who have given their time to help deliver the transformation so desperately needed. Whilst it is thrilling to see that, under MCA, they have been able to make it happen, there is still more to be done.
The focus now is on continuing to develop the park and to ensure that the new facilities meet the needs of our community and are sustainable for the long term.
A strong base for the charity was provided by a formal agreement between Mumbles Rangers football club and Mumbles Rugby Football Club to work together on the project for the benefit of everyone.
We all see ourselves as working on behalf of the community in Mumbles and the surrounding areas. Our aim is to fully represent what they want to see happen at Underhill Park, by consulting at every stage of the development. Our vision for the Park is based on what the community want – more and better facilities, plus social and community spaces where people can meet and where everyone is welcomed.
The agreement which has been reached with City & County of Swansea means that, from handover, we will take on management of Underhill Park for the next 125 years… so we’re definitely here for the long-term.
Our Trustees are all people who have come forward and are willing to give a huge amount of time and effort, as well as their particular skills and expertise, to help deliver Go Underhill.
The Trustees hold a formal meeting every month to take forward the work of the charity. In addition, nominated individuals and smaller working groups are tasked with taking forward specific areas of work, reporting back to each Trustees’ meeting to keep everyone informed and ensure every Trustee has input to current issues and opportunities.
Our Trustees are:
- Martin Rodwell – Mumbles RFC (Interim Chair)
- Alex Deeks – Friends of Mumbles Parks
- Chris Parkin – Mumbles Rangers
- Mark Wade – Mumbles Rangers
- Michael Cann
- Mark Williams
Special Adviser
- Meirion Howells, for construction
- Mike Podbielski (Secretary)
- Fiona Rees
- Clive Davies – Mumbles RFC (Interim Treasurer)
- Dennis Cann, for community hub and café
- Mark Child
- Patrick Jenkins
Our thanks go to former Trustees who all played invaluable roles in helping us reach this point, but who have now stood down. These are:
- Simon Tse
- David Wilson
- Gerwyn Jones
We would also like to acknowledge the extensive contribution of Peter Bray, who was our Treasurer from the outset. Peter sadly passed away in February 2024. His attention to detail and fantastic multi-layered spreadsheets are greatly missed.
Annual Reports
The charity’s Chair, Simon Tse, prepares a report each year on the activity of MCA and the progress we have made towards our goals. This report is considered at MCA’s Annual General Meeting, held in the summer each year. A standardised annual report is also submitted to the Charity Commission.
If you would like to find out more about us or get involved in some way, then reading the latest AGM report is a great place to start.
You can view our Charity registration, formal Constitution and annual report to the Charity Commission on their website