Email Mumbles Community Council directly on by 25 October with your support for Go Underhill.

Our original news story is below but unfortunately many people will not have seen the newsletter referred to, due to distribution problems, and the on-line survey was closed on 11 October. 

Mumbles Community Council have confirmed that they will consider emails of support which they receive by 25 October.

Our original news post:

Mumbles Community Council are currently consulting on their priorities for the coming years.

We need supporters of Go Underhill to help us ensure that the project remains high on their list for funding.

The ambitious plans for Underhill Park have been drawn up based on what existing Park users and the wider community have told us they want to see. The project is being driven forward by Mumbles Community Association, a newly registered charity set up by a group of volunteers. Its Trustees are drawn from local sporting clubs and the wider community, which is why the project is described as being ‘By the community; for everyone’.

With lots of areas competing for funding, it’s vital that people let the Community Council know how important this scheme is to the local community, how it will make a difference for the current users of the park, and how it will not only transform Underhill Park, but also protect and secure its future as an asset for residents and visitors alike.

Like many large-scale projects, Go Underhill is taking longer to deliver that we hoped. As a result, we have had to ask Mumbles Community Council to roll forward the funding they previously allocated into current and future budgets. This could be a challenge as new projects have come onto their radar.

The commitment of funding from Mumbles Community Council is an important element in helping us move the development forward. With their support, we have been able to employ professionals to design and submit the proposals for planning. But that is just an early stage of actually delivering the project and we don’t want it to fail because we don’t have the funds to help us make applications and match fund any grants we secure.

Show Mumbles Community Council your support for Go Underhill

To show your support and encourage the Council to allocate funding to the project in future years, please complete the on-line survey on the Council’s website by 31st October.

To help the project, mark Community Spaces and Outdoor Spaces as high priorities for you. Also mention Go Underhill specifically in the ‘any other comments’ section. You can find a link to the newsletter on the Development Plan and complete the survey here

Help us win funding from grant bodies

The funding from the Community Council is only a part of the mix of funding we need. We are hoping that a large part of the funds will be secured from grant bodies, such as National Lottery.

In putting forward our applications, we need to demonstrate that the plans are based on what the community want to see – both existing and potential new users. Whilst our proposals reflect the requests put forward in the original community consultation, we would like to strengthen our bids by getting current views.

We need to hear from you about why all the elements are needed, including the new public toilets and new café/community facility. What difference would having each of the individual elements make in terms of you and your family’s use and enjoyment of Underhill Park?

To register your views and support, you can either email us directly on or complete the Contact Us form and use the Comments box to give us your thoughts. If the project would have an impact on your whole family, please let us know the number and ages of people in your family group as this will help show how many people the development will positively impact.

You can find out more about the Go Underhill plans on these pages, including how you can help us.