There was a real buzz at the Go Underhill public information and consultation event held in All Saints Church, Mumbles on 31st January.
Chair of MCA, Simon Tse, gave a detailed update on the Underhill Park project and on how much has already been achieved which will enable the major developments planned for Stage 1 to go ahead.
The milestones already completed include MCA having secured permission from the landowner, the Duke of Beaufort, via the Somerset Trust, not only to undertake building works in Underhill Park, but also to retain and reinvest in the Park any profits generated from managing it.
Taken together with the planning permission for Stage 1, received from Swansea Council in November 2019, this means that the development can get underway once the necessary funding has been secured.
The core message from the Chair was that MCA need community members to step up to the plate to help fundraising for the development or to offer their own services as a way of off-setting the costs.
He said:
Whilst grant support is essential if we are to make Go Underhill happen, as a community we need to help ourselves too, we can’t just look to others for funding.
We are calling on everyone who wants the development to become a reality to do their bit, by donating, by helping with fundraising, by offering their services or by making introductions to others who can help us.
This is a community project which will benefit everyone who lives or has a business here, as well as visitors to Mumbles, so let’s pull together as a community and get this done.”
The ‘self-help’ message was well received by the many attendees and lots of offers of help were made on the night, as well as in the following days. These include practical support with, amongst other things, building materials, equipment and labour; construction skills; fundraising and donations.
Both Mumbles Rangers football club and Mumbles Rugby Club are also preparing their own fundraising plans, drawing in all players, members, volunteers and their friends and families.
A number of businesses have also stated their intention to support Go Underhill, with details hopefully to be finalised over the next few weeks.